Since i have nothing else on earth to do,I've been reading a lot.I just finished reading the complete collection of short stories by Tagore. Iam dumbstruck by the simlpicity,novelty and the sheer boldness of these stoies which were written long back.The language is comparitively easier for me to understand considering my dismal bengali :) .The novels by Tagore are even better.I absolutely loved them.One of my favourites is titled 'Gora'.I suggest that its a must read stuff......
Next Iam planning to read short stories by Prem Chand.I think i had read some of it while in school but don't remember much of it.So,hope it will be a great experience as well. I realise that nothing gives me more happiness than curling up with a book on my bed late at just sets the mood. I read another interesting book titled 'Durgesh Nandini' by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhay.Sounds embarrasing but I wanted to check out if a serial being aired on TV was based on that.I realised that it was not.Nevertheless,its a short and simple story set in the mughal period. The plot is slightly hackneyed but still i liked it. Inspite of reading all these classics I simply adore anything by Agatha Christie.The mystries leave me completely baffled. One of my earnest desires is to have a complete collection of Agatha Christie after I start working. Amen!
I guess there is nothing else I can write, so chao! next post will be hopefully about the short stories by Prem Chand..........