Friday, July 07, 2006

I am back

I am back after a long hiatus. Basically my habit of procrastination is responsible for this. I just finished reading ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Ayn Rand. I had quite liked ‘The fountainhead’ by d same authoress. The idiosyncrasy of a creative mind in the former still made some sense to me. But this one has left me baffled. Too much philosophy is involved which is hardly required. The lives of the lead characters had some similarity with those in FH initially. But as the story progressed I was no longer able to relate to them. God knows which country on earth can come up such absurd laws as in this book. I was told that this one is more likeable than FH. How? Could not figure that out even after withstanding the torturous 1069 pages . uff….. My advice would be that never read this book unless you have the enthu to read this crap.
Before every vacation I raid my hostel library to get myself the thickest books available. This time I issued ‘The Sicilian’ by Mario Puzo( a sequel to Godfather),Angels& Demons(a prequel to Da Vinci Code),AS and Not a penny more… by Archer. Except the last book I was disappointed after reading the rest. That makes me think that sequels are generally not able to live up to the expectations. I had read Oliver’s story (a sequel to my fav Love Story) and Scarlett (sequel to Gone With The Wind) .And was really sad after reading them. Total let downs.
But the Harry Potters were absolute delights. I am a self confessed HP fanatic. I was reading the book 6 on my way to Kolkata from Delhi. I cried after reading the climax which was Dumbledore’s death.:( . My co-passengers were staring at me in disbelief. My otherwise huge ego which prevents from crying in front of strangers was of no use that day[this happened 6 months back and was also the last time I cried,good ya:)] .My parents who were unable to pick me up from the station thought I was angry with them and hence gloomy. Hope I don’t have to do the same for the next one.
These days I am down in the dumps because of boredom. Thinking of re-reading Mom’s huge collection of Bengali and Russian classics. Maybe will watch some movie as well. Mom wants to watch Krrish. uhh….another sequel!


Sifar said...

How come u got 3 books issued for the holz..The lib secy issued just 2 to me.N to top it gotta pay a fine for nt renewing it....:(

olivia said...

lady,i got 4 issued coz i have 2 cards which allows me 2 books at a time during d session.moreover for hols they gv 50 bucks n enjoy the same benefit.
i got my card renewed at d beginning of d sem itself as i read on the avg 2 books a week(more than my course stuff):D
n thanks for dropping by.

Himadri said...

Ah!! Thnaks a lot for the advice. Now I really don't have to read any of Rand's blabbers. Never really could persuade myself to get hold of one, and then, bouncing off every other guy who already went through it I thought: "Am I missing out on something?" Don't have to do that any more.
As for the other 3, NAPMNAPL is the obvious winner, lke most of Archer's.
if I can suggest, read Kane & Able by archer. I think it's his best offering ever. And follow it up with The Prodigal Daughter & Shall We Tell The President. All brilliant sequels ( u wont be disappointed, and I got those @ home, so u neednt buy the either. So no RISK FACTOR!!) :]

BTW, Shall We... can be read as a standalone story by itself without any prior know-how of the other two, but I'd suggest u go thru serially.

Nice Post. Atta girl!!

olivia said...

ahh...already read the three books u mentioned.Kane n Abel also features in my list of favs.My mistake,shud've mentioned abt thm in d list of good sequels:).
U wont miss out on anything by not reading Rand.Total timewaste.I can afford it since iam totally wella these days.
Awaiting a detailed post of ur mumbai trip:D.