Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My MBA Days

As the title suggests this is going to give a glimpse of the first month of my MBA days. What a month!!!!! Tiring, hectic, fun, starvation and now anger describe it aptly.And all packed in just one month.Wow!!!! The whole process of waking up for the 8 o'clock class is what I dread. What wud I've done without my alarm clock ( well clocks rather) and my friend who gives me a lift every morning.The lift is like a boon since your truly hates walking and cycling.....too much of an effort basically...... not my style..... :)

The classes which happen till late in the evening makes me tired like hell especially after the wonderful time I had in my final semester of MSc. Only solace is that I can tell my parents and relatives proudly that how busy Iam. Well, it gives them the impression that it's something worthwhile that Iam doing here. Although I have my own doubts about it. But let's not get into all that as it kind of depresses me. So that explains that why it is tiring and hectic.

Now, the starvation part. I cant fathom the reason but it seems like none of my classmates understand the concept called 'LUNCH'. Every meeting, extra class(gosh i hate this word) etc have to scheduled at that time. It really kills me.....but have to do without it :( . Moreover i really don't fancy the concept of walking up to the hostel for lunch. Nevertheless, it has been fun as well. The recent movie trip at night was great fun as it was something I haven't done till now.

But offlate some class politics rather some bitching going on in the class is spoiling the fun.But then thats part n parcel of life where u have to coexist which such elements. Huh.......but for how long will I be able to maintain my composure is the million dollar question now......

Nicely sums up the month but with the exams knocking on the doors plenty of action is on the offering. Watch out this space for more news.....

P.S The title was the first thing I wrote this time. Yeyyy!!!! see my MBA stint already helps......I am sure I will improve.

1 comment:

sameer said...

finally a cheery post :)
despite d lectures, starvation and bitchin ur still havin fun, well thats what MBA is all about. plus u hav pulled off the 1st month of mba (which is supposed to be a killer) with such flair... u can expect more partyin n lesser lectures/starvation in comin months..
best of luck for the exams

PS - i heard that lift givin friend of urs is really glad of the appreciation n is sorry fr bein late at times :)