Friday, May 26, 2006

My Best Friend's Wedding

My debut post was really high on emotions and slightly controversial as well. Nevertheless it has given me the enthu to continue with blogging(courtesy some valuable comments on my post).I just read Ritu’s blog on reservation which was quite enthralling. So, inspite of being very tired after paying customary visits to my relatives I thought of writing this post. Actually there was another factor inciting me to do so.
Finally after months of wait, my elder sister’s marriage date was fixed today. My Mom had started off the preparation couple of months back. Both my parents went on a shopping expedition to buy jewellery and saree for their first-born(which I thought was really cute & it also included some shopping for me). Being in Delhi I was largely unaffected by this whole event. Even when I came back to kolkata and saw the stuff bought for Didi it hardly made any difference to me. I was bored at the sight which enraged Mom(nothing new about this). But yesterday when I saw my sister trying out the bangles especially something called ‘pola’(not really sure about the spelling) in Bengali n the necklaces, there was a strange sensation. For the first time it struck me as something odd. This sounds ridiculous considering the fact that both of us are staying apart since I was in 7th standard. Today when Mom and Dad were discussing the details of the ceremony ,I was dumbstruck. It will take some time for that feeling to sink in that my best friend cum mentor is getting MARRIED. O my God, she is still so immature (hope she is not going to read this).She had actually tried to defer the date but both the families are hell bent on a January wedding.
But this didn’t stop me from playing my usual pranks on her. For quite some time I’ve been teasing her on her cooking skills and the poor thing is trying hard to prove me wrong(I know that it’s very mean of me). Basically I am having a great time with her. Being the younger sibling is always propitious as one is really pampered a lot. But that’s not the point that I intend to discuss. As we were talking last night about our childhood days, I realized we have come a long way from being at loggerheads for petty issues to being best friends. I was really flabbergasted when Di told me that even she is not able to imagine herself in the wedding finery. Well if the bride herself finds it hard to accept then my reaction is justified. So, the next time I will be coming back to kolkata to attend ‘MY BEST FRIEND’S WEDDING’. Sounds nice ya!

P.S- Since for obvious reasons I was minimizing this window while writing the post, my sister suspects that I am writing a love letter.


Himadri said...

Well, you can't write 'pola' in English other than writing it as, well, 'pola'.that's part of the little nuances the Bangla lingua offers to a true translation over to the English counterpart, or rather, a true "copy-paste")

And who said one needs to be mature enough to get married ;)

PS - is, by any chance, ur PS justifiable ;)

Anonymous said...

hmmm , intresting post. Start of a great blog, so keep it up :) . Shotti kotha kintu , pola shobdo taar kono replacement to aammiyo kujhe pelaam na. Wonder what Tagore would write for pola in his transliteration stuff ...
Arranged bengali marriage ... I am the product of one :) . I did ask my mom how does it work , try asking your mom ... you will realise lotsa stuff man .
Seems in the modern era we seem to mistaken FREEDOM as a concept where all the old knowledge is junked, maybe there are somethings we need to retain to have the right balance ...
Could have been a deeper post in the content sense.

olivia said...

dude you seem to be giving out some expert knowledge on marraiges.
I blog only when iam desperate to pen down something.I don't find d necessity to think so deeply about minute things that u mentioned.
P.S-wud jst like to mention that neither my mom had nor my sister is going to have an arranged marraige.So,cnt take their valuable opinion.Also,u cud have left ur name while posting ur comment.

olivia said...

Sorry for the delay in replying to ur comment.
Although at times Iam skeptical about my abilities,this is one thing Iam surely not capable of.You know me from our school days yar.The very thought of writing a love letter seems funny to me:)

olivia said...

sorry,forgot to thank u for reading my blog n calling it' great'.hope that i am able to live upto d hype.

Sifar said...

hey best wishes 4 di's marriage.That means a big treat is due when we get back in July..right?