Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My MBA Days

As the title suggests this is going to give a glimpse of the first month of my MBA days. What a month!!!!! Tiring, hectic, fun, starvation and now anger describe it aptly.And all packed in just one month.Wow!!!! The whole process of waking up for the 8 o'clock class is what I dread. What wud I've done without my alarm clock ( well clocks rather) and my friend who gives me a lift every morning.The lift is like a boon since your truly hates walking and cycling.....too much of an effort basically...... not my style..... :)

The classes which happen till late in the evening makes me tired like hell especially after the wonderful time I had in my final semester of MSc. Only solace is that I can tell my parents and relatives proudly that how busy Iam. Well, it gives them the impression that it's something worthwhile that Iam doing here. Although I have my own doubts about it. But let's not get into all that as it kind of depresses me. So that explains that why it is tiring and hectic.

Now, the starvation part. I cant fathom the reason but it seems like none of my classmates understand the concept called 'LUNCH'. Every meeting, extra class(gosh i hate this word) etc have to scheduled at that time. It really kills me.....but have to do without it :( . Moreover i really don't fancy the concept of walking up to the hostel for lunch. Nevertheless, it has been fun as well. The recent movie trip at night was great fun as it was something I haven't done till now.

But offlate some class politics rather some bitching going on in the class is spoiling the fun.But then thats part n parcel of life where u have to coexist which such elements. Huh.......but for how long will I be able to maintain my composure is the million dollar question now......

Nicely sums up the month but with the exams knocking on the doors plenty of action is on the offering. Watch out this space for more news.....

P.S The title was the first thing I wrote this time. Yeyyy!!!! see my MBA stint already helps......I am sure I will improve.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
Miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep..........................

These lines have inspired me since I can remember.Mom had included these lines in one of my debates when I was a kid. Nothing has been as close to my heart as these lines by Robert Frost.Haven't read anything else by him but am sure nothing can beat this.....

P.S The thoughest part of writing a post is the title.I always get confused at this point which is the case this time as well :) . It was titled huh last time so have to thinkof something else now :(

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Dear Diary,I feel extremely guilty that I think of you only when am sad or terribly bored.Well can't do much about it.I just don't feel like blogging when Iam in a good mood.Quite similar to the situation when we think of God only when we are in trouble.This doesn't hold for everyone though.

Off late my life resembles the game of 'Snakes and Ladders'. I hated the idea of returning back to Kolkata. The reason being my sheer dislike for the city. I wasn't very keen on staying back in Delhi either. But unfortunately for me the very reason behind staying back in Delhi doesn't exist anymore. I was wondering in one of my previous posts that if it could get worse than this. Well, it just did! Don't know what else is about to follow this........

I have been reading plenty of books these days which is the only bright spot in my otherwise dull life. I read One night @ call centre again. Somehow the first half of the book added to my misery and then thankfully God intervened :) . I kind of liked Five Point someone better than this. And just couldn't get myself to read more than a couple of stories from the complete collection of Premchand. Maybe will do it when I come home during the winters. Guess am bored of reading classics now or rather bored of life.
I think its time I stop tormenting you and try to get some packing done. Hopefully I will try to write some nice things in my next post. A review of the latest Harry Potter movie looks probable. This should bring some happiness in my life. Amen!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I think its quite weird that when i want to write something I don't get the time and wen I've all the time in the world I simply don't feel like writing. Its really weird but then i guess thats how Iam.I am sick and tired of sitting idle at home.The sweltering heat in kolkata rules out the possiblilty of going out anywhere.Iam definitely not intersted in going to my relatives in order to dodge the age old questions regarding what will i do Next.Please for God's sake give me a break......
Since i have nothing else on earth to do,I've been reading a lot.I just finished reading the complete collection of short stories by Tagore. Iam dumbstruck by the simlpicity,novelty and the sheer boldness of these stoies which were written long back.The language is comparitively easier for me to understand considering my dismal bengali :) .The novels by Tagore are even better.I absolutely loved them.One of my favourites is titled 'Gora'.I suggest that its a must read stuff......
Next Iam planning to read short stories by Prem Chand.I think i had read some of it while in school but don't remember much of it.So,hope it will be a great experience as well. I realise that nothing gives me more happiness than curling up with a book on my bed late at nights....it just sets the mood. I read another interesting book titled 'Durgesh Nandini' by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhay.Sounds embarrasing but I wanted to check out if a serial being aired on TV was based on that.I realised that it was not.Nevertheless,its a short and simple story set in the mughal period. The plot is slightly hackneyed but still i liked it. Inspite of reading all these classics I simply adore anything by Agatha Christie.The mystries leave me completely baffled. One of my earnest desires is to have a complete collection of Agatha Christie after I start working. Amen!
I guess there is nothing else I can write, so chao! next post will be hopefully about the short stories by Prem Chand..........

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My life....

I don't know why am I writing this post.It has been a long time since I did that.Have been busy with life.Right now I should have been working on my project.But just like my life it is going nowhere.I kind of hate sitting in front of the computer for long hours.However my project just requires me to do that.Couldn't get worse than this.......
I hate kolkata and now will be staying there for the next 2 years.Don't know why is this punishment for....Can it get worse than this.....Iam sure it can....